Configuring the INSYS Powerline GP as data transmission device
  • 20 Sep 2024
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Configuring the INSYS Powerline GP as data transmission device

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Article summary

This Configuration Guide shows how to configure the INSYS Powerline GP for an operation as data transmission device in a two-wire network.


A network consisting of several INSYS Powerline GP is to be set up on a two-wire network.


In order to set up a network using several INSYS Powerline GP, these must be configured with the same Network Management Key (NMK). Then, all devices connected to the INSYS Powerline GP will communicate with each other as if they would be connected to a common switch.

Please note!

The maximum length of the data line depends highly on the line quality of the used line and cannot be specified as a practical value. It must be evaluated at the application in question. INSYS will support you with the evaluation of the line quality and verification of the feasibility of a certain application on request.

The following description is based on using a computer with Windows 10 for configuration. Other operating systems may differ from this. Refer to the User manual for details regarding device and installation.

Preparing the work environment

  • In case of a Windows computer, download and install: Npcap

  • Download the Powerline GP Tools (Windows, Linux 64 Bit) and unpack them to your work directory. The following examples use the work directory C:open-plc-utils.

    Please note!

    In order to execute the commands of the open-plc-utils, these must be executed in a terminal program in the respective work directory. In order to be able to execute the commands in other directories, it might be necessary to specify the path in the respective environment variable depending on the operating system. Some terminal programs (e.g. Windows PowerShell) also block the execution in the work directory due to reasons of security, if they are not defined in the environment variable. Then, a .\ must be placed in front of the command to be able to execute it in the work directory. For example:
    > .\plctool --help

  • Connect the INSYS Powerline GP to the power supply and to your computer (Ethernet).

  • Open a terminal program and change to your work directory.


  • Determine the interface of your computer to which the INSYS Powerline GP is connected. List the interfaces using the command pcapdevs for this:

 1 90:61:AE:90:CE:15 \Device\NPF_{F03EF741-C797-4876-8B0D-D3F921FC0C5D} (Microsoft)
 2 90:61:AE:90:CE:14 \Device\NPF_{5F373AD3-48DB-4E68-9DFB-4158D5AACEC0} (Microsoft)
 3 00:FF:AB:B8:C9:2C \Device\NPF_{ABB8C92C-8E0E-4B19-AD53-025B06079961} (TAP-Windows Adapter V9)
 4 92:61:AE:90:CE:14 \Device\NPF_{A22F97E8-5A81-47CB-86E9-60D2DE2A930E} (Microsoft)
 5 50:48:49:4F:4E:43 \Device\NPF_{023A65D1-CDC5-46A5-9D2C-65CC74AAA3D6} (Barracuda)
 6 90:61:AE:90:CE:18 \Device\NPF_{53E5FF42-335C-4E7F-9A0B-F20C5FCEF220} (Microsoft)
 7 A4:4C:C8:D2:76:94 \Device\NPF_{485C8565-4643-4CB0-BBDE-DF952C72BA91} (DisplayLink USB Gigabit Network Adapter)
 8 A4:4C:C8:2E:0B:63 \Device\NPF_{6762EE1A-CA15-4B88-8150-2B1C2FD27EDC} (Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-LM)
 9 00:FF:68:11:12:CF \Device\NPF_{681112CF-DC57-4756-8CBE-E44CE6F73FB0} (TAP-Windows Adapter V9)


In this case, the INSYS Powerline GP is connected to interface 7. If you are not sure, simply try all possible interfaces (here also 8).

Please note!

If you get a timeout response, simply repeat the command!

  • Read out the properties of your INSYS Powerline GP using the command plctool:
    Command format: plctool -aI -i<interface no.> <MAC adress>
    The MAC address is on the label on the side of the device.

C:\open-plc-utils>plctool -aI -i7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE
nic7 00:B0:52:00:00:01 Fetch Device Attributes
nic7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE QCA7000-MAC-QCA7000- (1mb)
        PIB 0-0 8080 bytes
        MAC 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE
        DAK 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 (none/secret)
        NMK 0E:7D:4F:62:99:24:E9:67:CF:C0:66:2D:EF:D1:D1:44
        NID 54:B7:4A:07:B8:6D:05
        NET Qualcomm Atheros Enabled Network
        MFG Qualcomm Atheros HomePlug AV Device
        USR evse_mains_2
        CCo Auto
        MDU N/A


In above example, 7 is the interface no. and 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE the MAC address. The response shows the MAC address MAC or the hash of the network management key NMK amongst others.

  • Generate a new NMK hash from your network management key string using the command hpavkey:
    Command format: hpavkey -M <network key string>

C:\open-plc-utils>hpavkey -M insys

In above example, insys is the network management key string and 8D00968B210F7BC75A40DFB1FA81FA51 is the returned hash of this string.

  • Set the new NMK on your device using the command plctool:
    Command format: plctool -aMi<interface no.> <MAC adress> -K <NMK>

C:\open-plc-utils>plctool -Mi7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE -K 8D00968B210F7BC75A40DFB1FA81FA51
nic7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE Set Local Network Membership Key
nic7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE Setting ...


In above example, 7 is the interface no., 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE the MAC address and 8D00968B210F7BC75A40DFB1FA81FA51 the above generated NMK hash.

  • Read out the properties of your INSYS Powerline GP using the command plctool again to check whether the new NMK has been set:

C:\open-plc-utils>plctool -aI -i7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE
nic7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE Fetch Device Attributes
nic7 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE QCA7000-MAC-QCA7000- (1mb)
        PIB 0-0 8080 bytes
        MAC 00:05:B6:03:2E:DE
        DAK 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 (none/secret)
        NMK 8D:00:96:8B:21:0F:7B:C7:5A:40:DF:B1:FA:81:FA:51
        NID E4:F9:73:8A:86:5B:0E
        NET Qualcomm Atheros Enabled Network
        MFG Qualcomm Atheros HomePlug AV Device
        USR evse_mains_2
        CCo Auto
        MDU N/A


The response shows the hash of the new network management key NMK.

  • Disconnect the device from power supply briefly to restart it and use the command plctool to check, whether the new NMK is still existing after this as well.

  • Set the same network management key (NMK) in all INSYS Powerline GP that are to be connected with each other.

Please note!

It is possible to operate several INSYS Powerline GP networks on one two-wire line. Then, the devices in each network must have the same network management key (NMK) to form a common network. Networks with different keys on the same line cannot communicate with each other, but be operated side by side.


  • If the device has lost the set NMK following a restart, your INSYS  Powerline GP is a device with SLAC functionality for E-Mobility  applications. In this case, refer to your sales partner to be able to use your device  as data transmission device in a two-wire network as well.

  • If a timeout message appears after transmitting a command in the  terminal, just repeat the command until you receive the respective  response.

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