Configuring time-dependent actions (alive e-mail)
  • 02 Oct 2024
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Configuring time-dependent actions (alive e-mail)

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Article summary

Time-dependent actions allow to execute certain functions regularly at a certain time. This is necessary for example to achieve a daily synchronisation of the system time in the router (will be configured by the startup wizard) or an automated update of the firmware in the router.


A daily e-mail for confirming the readiness for operation of the router (alive message) is to be sent in this example.

cg alive mail


The following elements are required to configure this function:

  • Timer (that triggers the event)

  • Event (that sends the message if triggered)

  • E-mail message

    • E-mail account (for sending the message)

    • Contact (recipient of the message)

  • Netfilter rule (to permit e-mail dispatch in case netfilters are enabled)

A timer will be started that triggers an event when it expires or reaches a certain time. The event will then trigger an action, in this case the dispatch of the message.

It is prerequisite that you have access to the web interface of the router and the router has Internet access. It is recommended to commission the router as suggested in the Quick Installation Guide for this. It is also prerequisite that an e-mail account with a provider exists and this is set up in the router as described in this Configuration Guide.

  1. Open the user interface of the router: https://insys.icom

  2. Click in the EventsContacts menu on to add a new contact for sending the e-mail:

    • Real name: Serves for a clear differentiation of the contacts

    • E-mail address: E-mail address to which the messages are to be sent
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  3. Click on SUBMIT.

  4. Click in the EventsMessages menu on to add a new message for sending the e-mail:

    • Description: Alive message

    • Type: E-mail

    • Recipient: select above added contact

    • Subject: Subject of the alive e-mail

    • Text: Text of the alive e-mail

    • Attachments: attach optional log files to the e-mail
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  5. Click on SUBMIT.

  6. Click in the EventsTimer menu on to add a new Timer for triggering the dispatch:

    • Description: Alive message timer

    • Type: Time

    • Repetition: daily

    • Hour and Minute: enter the time for triggering of the timer
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  7. Click on SUBMIT.

  8. Click in the EventsEvents menu on to add a new event for sending the e-mail:

    • Description: Send alive message

    • Event: Timer expired

    • Timer: select above added timer

    • Action: Send message

    • Message: select above added message
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  9. Click on SUBMIT.

  10. Click in the NetworkFirewall / NAT menu on to add a new IP filter rule that permits the router the outgoing TCP connection to the SMTP server of the e-mail provider:

    • Description: SMTP dispatch

    • Packet direction: OUTPUT

    • Protocol: TCP

    • Output interface: select the WAN interface used, e.g. lte2

    • Destination port: enter the SMTP port configured in the e-mail account settings above
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  11. Click on SUBMIT.

  12. Activate the profile with a click on auf ACTIVATE PROFILE .

The alive e-mail will be dispatched with the next occurrence of the configured time.


  • If no mail is received when expected, check whether the following settings are correct.

    • System time in router

    • Timer setting

    • E-mail address of recipient

    • E-mail account settings

  • It facilitates troubleshooting to have a look at the Events, Cellular and Network logs in the view dashboard outline StatusLog view menu by clicking on .

  • Message dispatch can also be triggered manually without having to wait for the expiry of the timer for troubleshooting in the AdministrationDebugging menu.

  • If e-mail dispatch works after disabling the IP filters in the lan NetworkFirewall / NAT menu, a faulty net filter setting is the reason.

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