Monitoring an Input and Sending an SMS
  • 01 Oct 2024
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Monitoring an Input and Sending an SMS

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Article summary


The input of an INSYS router is to be monitored by the icom Data Suite and an SMS is to be dispatched as soon as the input is closed.
This functionality is often used in alarming applications.


An event will be defined that triggers an action as soon as the configured input changes its state. The action will then dispatch a pre-configured message notifying the recipient about the state change of the input.

It is prerequisite that you have access to the web interface of the icom Data Suite. The router must be functional for SMS dispatch. A switch or similar device is connected to input 2.1 of the router.

  1. Open the web interface of the icom Data Suite using a browser:

  2. In the Data pointsDigital I/Os menu under Inputs, add a new input ():

    • Description: Input 2.1

    • Input: 2.1

  3. Click on Save settings.

  4. In the MessagesContacts menu, add a new contact () and edit it ():

    • Real name: enter the name of your SMS recipient

    • Phone number: enter the mobile phone number of your SMS recipient

      Please note!

      It is recommended to enter the phone number in international notation in the form +491701234567.

  5. Click on Save settings.

  6. In the MessagesSMS menu, add a new message () and edit it ():

    • Description: Notification SMS

    • Modem: lte2

    • Recipient: select above added contact

    • Text: enter the desired SMS content

  7. Click on Save settings.

  8. In the Events menu, add a new event () and edit it ():

    • Description: Notification SMS on input 2.1 close

    • Event: Digital data point has changed

    • Data point: input1 and Changed to LOW (boolean 0)

      Please note!

      The inputs of the router may have a different logic. This applies only to input 1 of a plug-in card with power supply.

    • Action: Send message

    • Send message: select above added SMS message

  9. Click on Save settings.

  10. Activate the profile ().

  11. Close Input 1 to check whether the SMS is sent as intended.


  • Refer to the installation manual of the router and check the connection and logic of the input used.

  • In order to be able to send an SMS by the icom Data Suite, the modem  in the router must know the SMS center number of the provider. This is usually read out from the SIM card. If no number is stored on the SIM card, this must be entered in the InterfacesSlot 2: LTE menu in the web interface of the router.

  • In order to be able to receive an SMS by the icom Data Suite, incoming SMS must be forwarded to the container. The checkbox Forward SMS to containers must be checked in the AdministrationContainer menu in the web interface of the router.


The following ASCII configuration can be taken over using copy & paste. It must be observed that the individual parameters need to be adapted to the own application. Correct numbering must be observed for numbered parameters. Moreover, it must be observed that no existing parameters with the same number will be overwritten. A proper functionality can only be ensured if the opened profile has been created from default settings before.

ASCII configuration

datapoints.digital_ios.inputs.input[1].description=Input 2.1
datapoints.digital_ios.inputs.input[1].input=2.1[1].active=1[1].name=contact1[1].real_name=Real Name[1].email_address=[1].phone_number=+4917xxxxxxxxx

messages.sms.sms[1].description=Notification SMS
messages.sms.sms[1].text=-----BEGIN text-----Input 2.1 has been closed-----END text-----

events.event[1].description=Notification SMS on input 2.1 close

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